
face with circled regions of interest

Freely define your regions of interest and evaluation descriptors

To make the most of your measurements, our framework enables to freely define the Regions of Interest and the Evaluation Descriptors particular to your protocol.
This framework permits to compute statistical analysis (average, variance, correlation …) on 2D material properties and on 3D metric information extracted from the acquisition.
Your evaluation descriptors can be processed over the regions of your choice through the simple definition of polylines and free-form boundaries on reference images of the captured subject.

2D material properties

Material properties are traditionally deeply mixed up in standard photography so that the direct use of pixels color is of poor help for quantitative evaluation. In order to dissociate the different optical and volumic contributions, our high-speed “material cameras” capture the subject under multiple precisely calibrated illuminations.
The analysis of these data enables to decorrelate the different contributions of the signal in terms of diffuse component (skin color), specular intensity (brightness), roughness/glossiness, absorption coefficient, transparency (skin lightening), relative index of refraction.

skin scanned and decomposed into several properties

3D geometric properties

Simultaneously, the analysis of our acquisitions enables to derive a clean 3D geometric scan, resolution independent down to 20 micrometers, complete with tiny details like wrinkles and pores, totally free from reflection and refraction side effects traditional in photogrammetry, laser scan, structured-light or fringe projection.
Multiple geometric information like 2.5D height field, geodesic, mean & gaussian curvatures can be derived along the way.