Empowering cosmetic marketing with science

Transform clinical data into compelling 3D visuals redefining product efficacy communication.

Empowering cosmetic marketing with science

Transform clinical data into compelling 3D visuals redefining product efficacy communication.

From clinical trial to communication

At Cydolia, we’re not just a post production studio; we’re pioneers in science-based visual content creation within cosmetic marketing. Each visualization is grounded in rigorous clinical trial data, ensuring every claim is not only visually stunning but also scientifically substantiated and legally compliant.


Cydolia has panels of volunteers of various ages, genders, phototypes and skin conditions for your projects.

3D Acquisition

Extracting skin properties across the whole face down to 15 μm for comprehensive product evaluation.

Product Efficacy Test

3D reconstruction, bias elimination for product evaluation based on metric, optical, mechanical, and custom parameters.


Transforming clinical data into 3D visuals: showing the real product effect and simulate it on anyone.

Breakthrough visualizations

Delve into the micro-world of skin with Cydolia’s cosmetic communication, showcasing for the first time the real effects of your products in videos.

Unforgettable Visuals

Scientifically visualize product efficacy like never before across all channels.

Deep Into The Skin

Your product effects demonstrated with precision down to 15µm.

Showcasing Your Claims

From fine lines to skin elasticity, demonstrate your claims across all parameters linked to clinical trials.

Setting New Standards

Your beauty tech communications strengthen consumer trust.

Before After a woman with wrinklesa woman with less wrinkles

Simulation building consumer trust

Cydolia’s 3D simulations transform product efficacy data into engaging visuals. Characterized directly from clinical trials, these simulations authentically replicate the proven effects of your products, making them indispensable for any beauty tech strategy.

From volunteers and brand ambassadors to 3D virtual models, our before/after in customizable lighting conditions and settings are legally compliant, ensuring your cosmetic communication is as versatile as it is accurate.

Digital Humans: infinite possibilities for cosmetic marketing

Embrace the future with Cydolia’s customizable, photorealistic virtual ambassadors, a game-changer for the cosmetic industry. Free from image rights constraints, our digital humans are crafted to your exact specifications (gender, age, phototype, skin conditions, personality…), embodying your brand’s diversity and inclusivity.

This innovative approach opens new avenues for creative expression in digital and social media campaigns, pushing the boundaries of beauty tech and cosmetic marketing. 

a close up on a woman with freckles