How 3D Technology Transforms Cosmetic Brand Communication (Interview with Cédric Guiard, CEO)

Interview of Cédric Guiard on cosmetic brand communication

This is the fourth and final part of a 4-part podcast series featuring Cédric Guiard, CEO of Cydolia, and Hugo Le Calvez, CMO of Cydolia. You can watch the full podcast here.


Hugo Le Calvez (CMO, Cydolia):

Cédric, we’ve explored how 3D efficacy studies are more precise and support innovative claims. Let’s now turn to communication. How does 3D technology revolutionize how cosmetic brands present their products to consumers?


Linking Clinical Studies to Communication

Cédric Guiard (CEO, Cydolia):

For the first time, brands can directly connect marketing materials with clinical study results. Using our 3D models, product benefits can be both quantified and visually demonstrated.

This ensures that the claims brands make are backed by science, creating trust and transparency with consumers. For example, rather than simply stating that a product improves skin radiance, brands can show 3D visualizations of these effects in a way that resonates with their audience.


Expanding Creative Possibilities


Another exciting aspect is how 3D simulations expand creative opportunities. With our technology, brands aren’t limited to showing results on real-life study subjects.

We can project product effects onto average faces, study groups by phototype, or even brand ambassadors—whether they are real individuals captured through our systems or virtual characters specifically designed for the campaign. These virtual ambassadors can be customized in appearance and expressiveness to align perfectly with a brand’s vision and target demographics.


Innovating Across Global Campaigns


That level of flexibility must be invaluable for global campaigns targeting diverse markets.


Exactly, Hugo. It means brands can tailor their communication to resonate with different territories and audiences. For instance, they could highlight specific product benefits that matter most to a particular region or showcase a virtual ambassador designed to reflect local beauty standards.

This approach not only makes marketing more impactful but also ensures a consistent message grounded in scientifically validated results, regardless of the format or audience.




Thank you, Cédric, for sharing how 3D technology is revolutionizing cosmetic brand communication.


Thank you, Hugo. We’re proud to help brands bridge the gap between science and storytelling, creating impactful, trustworthy campaigns.


Thank you to all our listeners for following this series. Stay connected with Cydolia for more insights and innovation in cosmetics.